Why to NEVER Pull Teeth At Home

Why to NEVER Pull Teeth At Home

Dental professionals are equipped with the education, experience, and knowledge necessary to help you keep your oral health in good shape. Taking matters into your own hands can be dangerous which is why it is important to consult with a dentist about your oral health. It’s best to avoid any at-home dental care outside of your daily oral care routine. Below you will find helpful information about why to never pull teeth at home, and what you should do instead.

Why to NEVER Pull Teeth At Home

Dentists recommend that you do not pull your teeth at home. Consider the following reasons why pulling your own tooth can result in more damage and likely even more money.

Potentially Salvageable Tooth

Dental professionals will do everything they can to protect your natural teeth. With that, if you pull out one of your teeth by yourself, you may be getting rid of a perfectly good tooth. Maintaining your natural teeth has a number of benefits. Your natural teeth can reduce your risk for cavities and are often more comfortable when you chew and swallow. Contact a dental professional before you make any decisions regarding your teeth as it may be something that can be easily addressed.

Painful Experience

Removing your tooth on your own can be painful. This is true even if you try to use numbing methods at home. Tooth extraction requires pain-relieving drugs, antibiotics, and the professional expertise of a dental professional. Not only can the experience be painful, but you are putting yourself at a much higher risk for infection. Infections can lead to more dental issues and even impact your overall health if not taken care of right away.

Additional Dental Issues

Removing your tooth at home can result in more dental issues. It’s easy to damage other areas of your mouth if you are using do-it-yourself methods to get rid of your tooth. The tool you use can be filled with harmful bacteria, you could crush your tooth instead of completely removing it, and damage your surrounding teeth. Additionally, once your tooth is removed the root is exposed and there is a high risk for infection without the expertise of a dental professional.

More Expensive

Are you pulling your tooth at home to avoid a dental bill? Then it can often result in more damage that will cost even more money. Countless people have:

  • Crushed or fractured the tooth
  • Damaged surrounding teeth
  • And dealt with an infection

–all after attempting to pull their own tooth. It is undoubtedly more cost-effective to address the initial issue as compared to taking matters into your own hands at home.

Alternative Treatments

Because dental professionals attend years of school, they are more equipped in understanding what treatment option is right for your unique dental issue. Just because you think your tooth needs to be pulled does not mean that it’s the actual answer to the issue. Oftentimes a root canal can address the issue which is a great alternative as it saves your natural tooth.

Tooth Extraction in Los Angeles

If you are concerned about your oral health it’s important to seek care from a dental professional. An endodontist in Beverly Hills can help determine the dental issue and provide you with effective treatment options. While the focus of dental professionals is to preserve your natural tooth for as long as practicable, tooth extraction in Los Angeles may be necessary in some cases.

Before you make any decisions about your oral health, contact an endodontist. The team at Maz Endodontics are skilled in a variety of dental procedures. They can help you restore your oral health and achieve your desired dental aesthetic. Contact Maz Endodontics today to set up an appointment!