Why Modern Root Canals Are Painless

Why Modern Root Canals Are Painless

Root canals are often associated with pain and discomfort, causing people to avoid the procedure. This is a huge mistake due to the impact of untreated decay or trauma that requires a root canal. Advancements in the field of dentistry have made root canals much smoother and easier for patients. Below you will find why modern root canals are painless.

Traditional Root Canal Procedures

Traditional root canals often involve mechanical cleaning. This involved the use of tiny files, which is what caused patients discomfort. This method was also less effective in removing the infected tissue. In addition to pain caused during treatment, traditional root canals also caused post-treatment sensitivity and pain. For these reasons, root canals were often associated with pain. However, modern root canal procedures are pain-free and should not be avoided due to the harmful impacts it can have on your oral and overall health.

Why Modern Root Canals Are Painless

Unlike traditional root canals, modern root canals are painless and offer a number of benefits. Unlike traditional root canals, modern root canals utilize advanced technology to improve the patient experience and outcomes. GentleWave uses a combination of sound waves and fluid dynamics to effectively clean your tooth’s root canal system.

Benefits of GentleWave Root Canal Technology

Gentlewave root canals offer a number of benefits as compared to traditional root canals. Not only are they painless, but they offer a number of other benefits.

Advanced Cleaning Technology:

A root canal involves the removal of the pulp of your tooth, which is the innermost layer. You do not need the pulp of your tooth in adulthood, so it can be removed without any serious impact on the structure of your natural tooth. GentleWave root canal therapy offers advanced fluid dynamics, which uses a combination of sound waves and fluid dynamics to thoroughly clean your tooth’s root canal system. Ensuring the removal of all of the infected areas, including tissue, bacteria, and debris, is necessary to ensure the success of the procedure.

Improved Disinfection:

Traditional root canals used files which were much less effective as compared to the Gentlwave irrigation method. In fact, GentleWave allows for improved disinfection and better outcomes for patients. This is not only beneficial when it comes to the patient experience during the procedure, but it can also ensure the success of the treatment. While root canal failure is rare, it is possible, so it’s important to utilize the most effective root canal treatment method.

Tooth Preservation:

While traditional root canals also preserve your natural tooth, they can cause some damage to the structure if not done properly. This can lead to future oral health issues that can be costly. However, GentleWave technology allows for the full preservation of your tooth’s structure, including the integrity of the canals within your tooth. Preserving your natural teeth for as long as possible is a top priority, so GentleWave allows for more benefits when it comes to your long-term oral health.

Reduced Treatment Time:

GentleWave root canals often require fewer treatment sessions compared to traditional treatment options. The efficient cleaning and disinfection process achieved through the advanced fluid dynamics contributes to shorter treatment times. Minimizing the number of visits reduces patient discomfort and allows for a faster solution of the dental issue.

Endodontist in LA

If you have tooth decay or trauma, contact an endodontist near you in LA right away. Prompt treatment is necessary to ensure your oral and overall health. A root canal may be necessary, but a proper diagnosis and treatment plan is necessary no matter what. Contact the team at Maz Endodontics today to schedule an appointment!