Dental emergencies can be scary if you don’t feel prepared. While they can vary in severity, even a minor dental injury should be taken seriously. Taking some precautionary steps can be helpful during a dental emergency. Consider the following tips on preparing to visit an emergency dentist.
Preparing to Visit an Emergency Dentist
Taking steps to prepare for the emergency dentist can make the process much smoother. Consider the following tips for how to prepare for an emergency dental visit.
Control The Bleeding
Dental emergencies can come with bleeding. Some injuries can be worse than others, so it’s important to make an assessment about how bad the injury is. Excessive bleeding, deep cuts, or life-threatening injuries require emergency treatment. If the bleeding is mild, focus on safely and effectively controlling the bleeding. Use clean gauze and apply continuous pressure to the bleeding site. This can help reduce the amount of bleeding until you get to the emergency dentist.
Clean Your Mouth
No matter what the cause of your dental emergency, it is critical to keep your mouth clean. Avoid disrupting any injuries or areas impacted by an infection. Maintaining your oral hygiene throughout a dental emergency reduces your risk for infection, which is a top priority. A saltwater rinse is an effective way to eliminate bacteria and promote healing before and after you visit the emergency dentist. Mix one teaspoon of salt in warm water and rinse your mouth a few times a day. Gently swish the solution around your mouth, specifically in the affected area. Until you get to the dentist, avoid any hot or cold foods, as they can increase your pain.
Preserve Your Teeth
Some dental injuries involve a knocked-out tooth, filing, or crown. It is essential to maintain its cleanliness, so rinse it off and place it in a clean container. In addition to a knocked-out tooth, some people may also experience a dislodged tooth. These types of dental emergencies require immediate attention from the emergency dentist. A dentist can assess whether or not your natural tooth can be saved. Saving your tooth relies on immediate medical attention from an emergency dentist.
Bring A Friend
Depending on the severity of the injury and necessary treatment, you may need sedation dentistry. This is why it is important to bring a trusted friend or family member so they can drive you to and from your appointment. Driving yourself to the appointment may be dangerous, depending on the amount of pain you are experiencing. Additionally, you will not be able to leave the dentist after being sedated. Having a friend or family member around after treatment can also be helpful as they can remind you to take your medications and just allow you to recover and relax in peace.
Stay Calm
During a dental injury that requires emergency dental care, it’s natural to feel anxious or stressed. Despite the stress, it’s important to find effective ways to manage your stress. This can ensure optimal healing and help you get through the appointment seamlessly. If you already have a good technique in place, use that before and during your appointment. If you don’t, consider deep breathing, playing your favorite music, or meditation. Distracting yourself with activities that are calming and easy can be really helpful during this stressful time. Be sure and bring your most trusted friend or family member who can help ease your tension while you are there.
Emergency Dental Care
Emergency dental visits can happen at any time. It’s important to have an emergency dentist to call in the event that you experience a dental emergency. The team at Maz Endodontics is skilled in emergency dental care and has the leading endodontist near you. Contact their team for any of your emergency dental needs!