
Do You Need To Extract a Dead Tooth?

Oftentimes a dead tooth is caused by tooth decay or trauma. Teeth are very strong, but they do have their limits. If your tooth is no longer viable due to tooth decay or trauma it is important for your … Read more

What Should I Do When I Crack a Tooth?

Accidents can happen, and a cracked tooth can often be a consequence. What should you do when you crack a tooth? While some cracked teeth are caused by a physical trauma, others can develop more slowly. Cracked teeth are … Read more

Do I Need to Remove a Dead Tooth?

Your teeth are made up of both hard and soft tissues, including the enamel, dentin, the root (often referred to as the “pulp” or “nerve”), and bone. While you do not feel pain on your teeth as you would … Read more

What to Do with a Broken Tooth

Dental injuries can be scary and happen quickly, especially damage to your tooth. Damaged or broken teeth can happen to anyone, so knowing how to react and what to do with a broken tooth is important. Accidents can happen … Read more

Causes of Tooth Infection

Toothaches left untreated can cause tooth infections. If you have a tooth that aches and becomes infected, it can spread to other areas of your body and cause major health issues. A variety of factors can cause tooth Infections. … Read more

Signs Tooth Infection Is Spreading

Toothaches that are left untreated can result in a tooth infection. Most tooth infections begin as a toothache that can feel sore or even throb. If your toothache is infected and left untreated, it can spread to other areas … Read more

What Is Considered a Dental Emergency

Dental injuries or issues can be extremely problematic and frightening. Having a dental injury can impact your diet, your ability to speak, and even result in headaches and pain that are unmanageable. While most of the time, you can … Read more

What to Do for a Cracked Tooth?

You’ve done it a thousand times before, but this time you bite into an uncooked popcorn kernel. Within seconds, your hand goes to your cheek as you feel a surge of pain in your mouth. A quick trip to … Read more