Benefits of Removing a Tooth

Benefits of Removing a Tooth

Tooth extraction is the most common surgical procedure in the United States. There are a variety of reasons you may need to remove your teeth. This includes tooth decay, periodontal and gum disease, trauma, impaction, and overcrowding. While you may want to preserve your natural tooth, there are benefits of removing a tooth depending on the issue. Below you will find helpful information on tooth extraction and its benefits. Let’s look at the benefits of removing a tooth when necessary.

When Tooth Removal is Necessary

While your dentist will do their best to preserve your natural tooth, there are some instances when tooth removal is necessary.

  • Wisdom Tooth Removal: This is the most common reason a tooth is removed. More than 5 million Americans get their teeth removed each year. If your wisdom teeth are impacted, partially impacted, or cause overcrowding, it may require removal. This is necessary to prevent infection, gum disease, and other dental issues.
  • Severe Tooth Decay: Tooth decay can severely impact your tooth’s pulp, the innermost layer of your teeth. The pulp has blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue that can become infected and cause harmful issues to your dental and overall health. Severe tooth decay may necessitate tooth removal in order to prevent infection.
  • Overcrowding: This occurs when your teeth are too big for your mouth. This can cause your teeth to become crooked and require orthodontic treatment to fix. An effective way to avoid overcrowding and the need for orthodontic treatment is tooth removal.
  • Gum Disease: Gum disease is a harmful dental issue that may require tooth extraction in Los Angeles. Gum disease impacts the structures that hold your teeth in place, including your gums. This can cause your teeth to become loose and require removal.
  • Trauma: Things like a car accident, sports injury, or even a fall can severely damage your teeth. Two types of damage may require extraction, luxation and a fracture. Luxation is the loosening of your tooth and a fracture is when your tooth breaks. Both may require extraction depending on the severity. In some cases, you may need emergency dentistry services. Contact an emergency endodontist in Beverly Hills if you are concerned that your trauma may be a dental emergency.
  • Natural Aging: The effects of natural aging can impact your teeth. Common issues that impact older adults include irreversible infection, mobility, gross decay, fracture, malposition, or nonfunctioning teeth can all necessitate removal.

Benefits of Removing a Tooth

There are a number of benefits of removing a tooth if it is necessary. Sometimes preserving your natural tooth can be more of a risk than removing it. Certain dental issues can spread to your surrounding teeth, gums, and even cause an infection that can impact your overall health, including sepsis. Some dental issues can impact more than just your dental health which may require removal.

If a dental issue with your tooth is the problem, removal can help relieve some of the unwanted symptoms. Symptoms such as pain, discomfort, and sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures can all indicate dental issues that may require extraction. Removing the tooth can ensure these symptoms subside.

Because a number of dental issues can spread from one tooth to another, tooth extraction can actually improve your oral health. This not only improves your oral health, but it can also save you a lot of time and money. Multiple issues or having multiple teeth impacted by a dental issue can require more dental procedures which can add up. While you may want to preserve your natural tooth, there are a number of benefits to removing a tooth if it will benefit your dental or overall health.