4 Ways to Prepare for an Emergency Dental Visit

4 Ways to Prepare for an Emergency Dental Visit

It’s difficult to prepare for a dental emergency as they can happen in the blink of an eye. While regular oral care and dental visits can keep your teeth strong and healthy, sometimes accidents happen. If you find yourself dealing with a dental emergency, consider the following 4 ways to prepare for an emergency dental visit.

4 Ways to Prepare for an Emergency Dental Visit

While you may not have a lot of time before your emergency dental visit, consider the following before you head to the dentist.

Gently Clean Your Mouth:

Dental emergencies can be caused by a number of things, including a car accident, sports injury, or even a fight. No matter what the cause, be sure and clean your mouth right away. This can reduce your risk for infection and create a healthy environment until you are able to get to the dentist. Use a saltwater rinse made of one cup of warm water and one-half of a teaspoon of salt. Gently rinse your mouth with this solution 2-3 times a day until you get to the dentist. Avoid irritating your injured tooth by avoiding hot or cold drinks, or eating foods that are difficult to chew.

Control Any Bleeding:

Bleeding can occur after a dental injury or trauma. If it’s minor bleeding, try to control it by placing gauze on the affected area (after you rinse with a saltwater solution). Gently apply pressure to the affected area until you get to the emergency dentist in Los Angeles. If you have excessive bleeding or the injury is life-threatening, get to the emergency room right away. Some dental injuries can be serious and require immediate medical attention.

Bring Support:

Dental emergencies can cause a lot of stress and anxiety. It’s important to stay as calm as possible and one of the best ways to do that is to bring some support. Whether it’s a family member or trusted friend, try and bring someone to your emergency dentist appointment. This is beneficial in terms of keeping you calm, but it may also be necessary if you need to be sedated.

Preserve Any Damage:

If your tooth, crown, or filling has been knocked out, preserve it as best as possible. The dentist may be able to use the portion that fell out. Keep it clean and wrapped in an airtight container until you get to the dentist. If you are able to talk to your emergency endodontist in Beverly Hills before you get to the office, follow their instructions on how to preserve the tooth, crown, or filling.

Benefits of Emergency Dentistry

Caring for your dental emergency on your own can lead to serious oral health issues. At-home remedies can result in further injury or even an infection. On the other hand, heading to the emergency room instead of an emergency dentist can result in care that is not catered towards your long-term oral health. Some dental emergencies do require immediate medical treatment, but for those that don’t, it’s more beneficial to head to an emergency dentist. They know your dental history, can address your unique issues based on that information, and can help monitor your progress as you heal in the short- and long-term.

Emergency Dentist in Los Angeles

If you have a dental emergency and need an emergency right away, contact the team at Maz Endodontics. They are skilled in emergency dentistry and have helped countless patients restore their oral health after a trauma. Following the preparation tips above is helpful to ensure your emergency dental appointment goes smoothly. However, it is also helpful to call in advance to ensure your dentist knows what to expect once you arrive. They can also help advise you on how to prepare for your visit based on your unique dental injury.