Why Does Wisdom Tooth Pain Come and Go?

Why Does Wisdom Tooth Pain Come and Go?

Wisdom teeth are notorious for often causing various issues and pain. But why does wisdom tooth pain come and go? Please read our article to learn about the reasons for wisdom teeth pain and the signs that you require wisdom tooth extraction.


Why Does Wisdom Tooth Pain Come and Go?

If you experience any pain in the area where your wisdom teeth are located, consult your dentist as soon as possible. Even if the pain is not consistent and only occurs from time to time, it might signify ongoing infection of the tooth (tooth decay) or the gum tissue around it. Other reasons for pain in the wisdom teeth are can include:

  • Your wisdom teeth are erupting at such an angle that they apply pressure to the teeth next to them, making them shift their position. 
  • Erupting wisdom teeth creates pockets in the gum tissue where food particles and bacteria accumulate, causing inflammation or infections.
  • Wisdom teeth erupting at a normal angle can still irritate the gum and cause pain that occurs from time to time. 
  • Inflammation caused by wisdom teeth eruption provokes cysts—pockets filled with pas— to form on the gums.


Signs Your Wisdom Teeth Have to Be Extracted

Some people have perfectly healthy wisdom teeth that do not cause any issues throughout their lives. In these lucky cases, wisdom teeth do not need to be removed. However, many people do have various issues with their wisdom teeth. Below, we list some instances when it is recommended to have your wisdom teeth extracted.


Your Wisdom Teeth are Impacted or Partially Impacted

Wisdom teeth are called impacted when they do not erupt to the surface of the gum line but stay hidden by the gum tissue. This condition can cause pain and inflammation of the gum tissue. If you have partially impacted wisdom teeth, it means that only a part of the tooth erupted on the surface of the gum tissue, and the rest of it remains hidden under the gum. Partially impacted wisdom teeth can cause issues similar to those of fully impacted ones. They also can get easily infected since it can be hard to clean them properly.

Typically, impacted and partially impacted wisdom teeth are caused by the lack of space in the mouth for your wisdom teeth or by an irregular angle at which they are positioned. To remove impacted or partially impacted wisdom teeth, your dentist will have to create an incision in the gum to access the tooth before removing it. 


Your Wisdom Teeth Get Reinfected Often

Cavities that affect wisdom teeth can be treated in the same way when they appear on the rest of your teeth. However, wisdom teeth that are positioned in a way that makes it challenging to clean them properly are susceptible to reinfection. 

If your wisdom teeth often get cavities, your dentist might recommend removing them instead of treating them repeatedly. This course of action might save you time and money in the long run. It will also help avoid chronic infections in the mouth and future complicated treatments.

In most cases, wisdom teeth with severe infections that require a root canal should be removed. However, a root canal procedure can be pricey, especially if a dental crown is also required. Thus, it will likely be easier and cheaper to remove the tooth and eliminate the risks that root canal therapy can pose.


Your Wisdom Teeth Cause Damage to the Surrounding Teeth or Gum Disease

Due to their angle of position, wisdom teeth can sometimes damage the surrounding teeth. If they are infected, the infection can spread to the surrounding teeth and gum tissue, causing gum disease.


You Are Preparing for an Orthodontic Treatment

Another instance when your wisdom teeth may require extraction is when there is not enough space in the mouth for the rest of your teeth. As a result, your teeth can be crowded. The issue of crowded teeth can be solved with an orthodontic treatment, such as braces or Invisalign aligners. However, first, enough room should be created in the mouth for teeth to move. Thus, your orthodontist might recommend removing your wisdom teeth to create this space.


Make an Appointment Today

If you experience any pain caused by your wisdom teeth, do not hesitate to make an appointment with an experienced endodontist at our dental office. Oral infections can become severe very fast, so it is always advisable to consult your doctor as soon as you notice the issue. We look forward to your visit to Maz Endodontics.