Can You Get Sedated for a Root Canal?

Can You Get Sedated for a Root Canal?

For those who have dental anxiety, getting a root canal may feel overwhelming. However, the advancements in dental technology have made the procedure fast, efficient, and pain-free. If this doesn’t reduce your fear and anxiety about the dentist you may wonder, can you get sedated for a root canal? Below you will find helpful information on how you can seamlessly get through your root canal.

Can You Get Sedated for a Root Canal?

You may wonder if sedation is right for you during your root canal procedure. Sedation dentistry in Los Angeles can be beneficial for a wide variety of patients. It may be right for you if any of the following apply: you have a low pain threshold; extra sensitive teeth; difficulty controlling your gag reflex; sitting still in a dental chair is difficult for you; or if you need several dental treatments at the same time. Talk with your dentist before the procedure so they can determine if you are a good candidate for sedation dentistry, in addition to what type of sedation is right for you.

Sedation dentistry can vary from light to heavy depending on your unique needs. There are various types of sedation, including IV, oral, or inhaled. IV sedation is administered intravenously and can easily managed throughout the procedure. Oral sedation is taken in the form of a pill and is taken before the procedure. Depending on the dose you may feel very relaxed or fully asleep. Inhaled sedation is inhaled and often combined with local anesthetic to help you feel relaxed and comfortable during the procedure. The type of sedation you receive depends on your current health, medical history, and the level of anxiety you have about the treatment. During your initial appointment, you can talk with the dentist about your options. This can help you feel at ease before and during your root canal.

Root Canal Treatment

Root canals are common dental procedure that are highly effective. A root canal can preserve your natural tooth and is important for the longevity of your oral health. The procedure removes the pulp, which can be found in the center of your teeth. The pulp comprises connective tissue, soft tissue, and nerves. Common causes of damage to your pulp include:

  • Deep decay due to an untreated cavity
  • A chip or crack in the tooth
  • An injury to your tooth
  • If you are having multiple procedures on the same tooth

A root canal can take between 30 to 60 minutes. A small hole is drilled into your tooth and the canal of your tooth is cleaned out and disinfected. Once the canal is cleaned and disinfected, the hole is sealed with a temporary filling. You can get back to your normal daily routine the same day, but you should avoid chewing on the side of your mouth where the root canal was performed. You’ll need to attend a follow-up appointment in order to ensure the treatment was successful and that the infection is gone. An X-ray will be taken and the temporary filling is replaced with a permanent one.

Endodontist in Beverly Hills

A root canal is a painless procedure due to the use of anesthetics. Despite being a pain-free procedure, people still feel fear and anxiety about getting a root canal. Getting sedated can make it much easier for certain patients. If you have dental anxiety and need a root canal, contact the top endodontist in Beverly Hills. The team at Maz Endodontics are skilled in root canal treatment. They can help treat your dental issue with ease. Contact their office today for an appointment!